Fall leaves in complementary colors

Fall leaves in complementary colors

It's a wonderful time to see colors around! Today's art is inspired by the colors of fall and fun popping textures! Ready? Let's go! 

Complementary colors make each other pop and they are CELEBRATING in the fall! This time we'll focus on red and green, a lively complementary couple we see all around. 

What you'll need : paper, pencils colors 


1. Draw the outline in dark red and add center lines 

2. Add dark green in the outside towards inside 

3. Add orange in the center of the leaves and color towards the green, and overlap them.

4. We are going dark to bright hues, so feel free to add more bright colors (yellow is great) in the very center or just play with it  

5. Add as many as you wish and make your art into a card (I love making thank you cards!) Or just for fun! 


Hope you enjoyed the art today! Make it your own and play with it, it's nice to make more than one and let your ideas flow! I’d love to see what you did, please share it with me on social media at “Art by Maya” at
https://www.facebook.com/mayaart2 or insiagram at https://www.instagram.com/maya.art

Have a colorful day,



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fall 3 .jpg
fall 2.jpg
Fall 1 .jpg