Mini watercolors landscapes

 Mini watercolors landscapes


Hello artists! Today’s art is inspired by the beauty of a single color- blue! I LOVE blue colors, and our art idea will be a great example of how we can make a beautiful landscape, even if we only have one color. We will be inspired by monochromatic colors/ blue hues, and perspective. I encourage you to explore blue hues with me, but also to keep exploring later many other colors, whatever you love best. Remember, we can’t make mistakes in art! Today we’ll make our little mountains landscape – let’s start!


What you’ll need:

1.      Watercolors paper

2.      Watercolors

3.      Brushes and a water container

4.      Pencil

Our art:

1.      Design mountain lines on your paper as in the picture – bonus point to be inspired by your favorite hiking places!

2.      Get 2 blue colors ready

3.      Take one blue (I used ultramarine- but anything works) and add white to make a lighter color for the sky, and then color the sky above the mountains

4.      Take another blue (I used phalo- but again- anything works!) and add it as on the first, closest, layer of mountains. The mountains that are closer to you will be darker- this helps to create perspective and depth.

5.      Add a little white to the same blue you used in the mountains and add it to the next layer of mountains.

6.      Blend in your mountains blue a little more white and add it to the next layer of mountains. Repeat with as many mountain layers as you have.

7.      Enjoy! Bonus: add a bird/ other animals in your landscape.

Hope you enjoyed this time’s art and feel free to send me pictures of your artworks through “contact me” at this website. I love seeing your art!
Follow up with art by Maya on Facebook, Instagram or my mail list (also at this website at contact me) and stay tuned for Arts in the Park art projects, summer art classes and projects coming up!

Colorfully yours,
